One of the most favourite holidays for couples is Valentine’s day. Every year the husbands put in a lot of effort to impress their missus. This year, the quest of dazzling valentines day gifts for husband. Whatever may your budget be, getting the adequate gift for valentine’s day need not somehow adjusted. There are good gifting options for valentine’s day in each budget range.
Here is a compilation of all the several cool ideas for gifting on Valentine’s day:
- Boxer shorts – what man doesn’t love a good pair of sexy boxer shorts? You can go funny, cute, sweet or anything else in between. Just make sure you get the right size and pick a good brand.
- Fun jewellery – this one can be tricky because if you don’t get something he likes, then he will feel obligated to wear it, just to spare your feelings. But have no fear, as long as you know him well and know his taste, you should do fine. A chain is a fantastic pick because most men love a good chain, but stick with the tried and true materials – gold, silver or oxidised. Now theme it up with maybe another one of his passions, like a pendant of manchester united or Liverpool and get it inscribed.
- Gift baskets – the cool thing about this idea is the sheer number of possibilities open to you as the gift giver. You can compile a gift basket with just about anything you can think of, including beer, books, wine, boxers, clothing, tea, hot sauce, cigars, neckties, movies, pizza and on. This would be a one in all compilation of all his favourite things!
- Sports tickets – not all men like sports. But many do. Whatever he is into be it football, baseball, basketball, tennis or soccer get him good tickets to a fantastic game. Go online to score a good deal and surprise him on valentines day.
- An awesome wallet – the trick with this idea is that you can’t scrimp. You have to go all out and find a premium brand or a small local brand that he likes very much. Think about his style. Does he like big bulky wallets? Is he more the “skinny wallet” type? The key to a good gift is to be generous.
- His favourite meal – they say that you can get to a man via his stomach. To find out his favourite meal and either make it for him from scratch at home or take him out to a good restaurant that serves it. He will love it!
- Gadget of the year – every year there’s a cool gadget out there that every man can’t wait to get his hands on. A new tablet perhaps. Your significant other can watch shows on it, videos, listen to music, catch up on sports scores and so much more all in a sleek mobile fashion. It’s lighter than a laptop, bigger than a smartphone and has a colossal directory of apps to make it even grander than it already is. You simply can’t go wrong here!
Men aren’t really that hard to please when you take a little time to consider that (in the end) humour, food and tech are what they all care about. Hope you enjoyed my round-up of cool gift ideas for men this valentine’s day. Thank you for reading this far!